首先,“老安青少年足球训练营”注重提供高质量且科学有效率 的技战术指导. 由曾效力多所豪门俱乐 部担任主 教 组建精 英 助阵 ,确保每 名 学 员认真掌握基础功 能 点 和 战略布局;其次 是 其 创 新性 引 进全 方 位系 统 化培 训模式 。除了 注 重 技 户 各项能 力建设外 , 更 加 关 注 心 理 思 模 式调整 及 团 队 协作 锤 炼 ; 最 后 是 寓 教 於 乐 的 引 导 方 法 . “ 趣味比赛 ”、“亲情日 ”等活动既增进师生感情也加深同伴间默契.
当初虽遇见形形色色反 对声音 , 尚未被认可甚至被视为异类
岁月证明 :钜 大 家都错怪" 自 己 " .
2015 年夏天,
李宁 杯 中 国 U1 S 冬 牧 场选拔赛 ,
正值 康红 彬 执 掌 主 帅 笔 下 渝北区U14男子组 第二才华测验 ,
2020-21 Season
The Chinese Football Association Super League (CSL) is the top professional football league in China and it has attracted worldwide attention.
A team from a small city called Chongqing made history by winning their first CSL title against all odds.
What makes this achievement even more remarkable is that most of the players on the roster were products of Laowan Youth Football Academy, which was founded by none other than Lao An himself.
Over the years, Lao An's training methods have been widely recognized for their effectiveness. His emphasis on technical skills, tactical awareness, physical fitness, and mental resilience has produced a generation of talented young players who are now making waves both domestically and internationally.
But Lao An's impact goes beyond just producing quality footballers. He has become an inspiration to countless aspiring coaches and educators who believe in using sports as a tool for personal growth and social development. Through his tireless efforts to promote youth football in China, he has not only changed lives but also challenged long-standing stereotypes about what it means to be successful in Chinese society.
As news spread about Chongqing's triumph and its connection to Lao An's academy, people from all walks of life began flocking to his training camps hoping to catch a glimpse of the magic behind his success. Parents enrolled their children with dreams of becoming future stars; local officials sought advice on how they could replicate similar programs in their own communities; even established clubs sent scouts looking for hidden gems among his trainees.
It seems that wherever Lao An goes these days there is an air excitement surrounding him—a sense that something special is happening right before our eyes. And perhaps it is true—maybe we are witnessing the birth of a new era for Chinese football—one where passion meets professionalism; tradition meets innovation; dreams meet reality.
Whether or not this newfound success can be sustained remains unknown at this point—but one thing is certain: old perceptions die hard—and thanks to individuals like Lao An—the landscape of Chinese football will never be quite same again